Mayaa SH | Books She Read in 2024 and Library Book Donation

Mayaa SH is an Indian authoress - Member of many NGO's with several books and contemporary writings to her name, including Swayam, Sangharsh and many more. An incurable wordsmith, she can effortlessly leave her followers scrambling for the dictionary with an innocent wassapp status upload, or for their smartphones to check out her latest ideology on women rights and empowerment. Mayaa SH's portrayal of India is emphasised on the argument that this country belongs to the people of all faiths living in this country since ages, and not only for one particular faith. The whole point of argument is that in this country no one can claim that he is a majority. Mayaa transcribes the song of modern India which is not an under developed country but an over developed country at the developmental stage of inner awakening. Mayaa SH has a unique way of looking at gender and personal choice that I found intriguing. She compares gender to a performance that we perform our whole lives. She sees gender as manmade. She also believes that gender makes us half of what we could be, because traditional gender roles don’t allow us to fulfill every aspect of ourselves, in particular, those aspects that aren’t traditional. She has affirmed her ideology that gender is a “mental construct" and limits or puts barriers to unleashing the full potential from within first.

Tell us a bit about your book that came out in 2024.

"Sangharsh", it encapsulates some of the best of Mayaa SH's ideology published into one book. Whether it’s the “indispensable Mayaa SH", as the publishers have it, is for readers to judge. Sangharsh is a self help book that offers warmth and reassurance, reminding us to slow down and appreciate the beauty and unpredictability of existence. It is dedicated to instill the power of self belief in women. An essential book for anyone in search of hope, looking for a path to a more meaningful life, or in need of a little encouragement, Sangharsh serves as a self help book for any.

What’s the nicest thing someone said about this book?

"A new way of life would open for each of us if we redefine our pursuits and appreciate what we already have". For the first time, my mother said to me that she was proud of me. That was worth more than all the rest. The very fact I dedicated a book highlighting on the power of self belief and the inner strength that women have, made it triumphant in the eyes of creation, that is my mother.

Your standout read of 2024?

Coercive Control by Evan Stark : Coercive Control is about a man getting his power fix through abuse and it’s about how intimate partner violence preserves patriarchy. Domestic violence has been declared a global crisis of pandemic proportions by the World Health Organisation. So why is it so often overlooked by law enforcement and under-reported by those who it affects?Intimate partner violence takes many forms. It’s physical violence but also emotional abuse, digital abuse, legal abuse, and verbal abuse.

What did Santa Claus bring you in 2022?

Moti and Shloka, my two precious gemmie gems Crow, whom I am finally able to hold and to hug all throughout the beginning since January 2023 and New Year’s in India, where they are.

Will you have more books coming out in 2024? Tell us a bit about it.

Yes definitely, my two books on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose should be my contribution to the publishing frenzy before the independence day this year .

What is your ideology behind writing specifically in contemporary and not fiction?

Many women and girls face challenges in their daily lives, such as poverty, gender-based violence, and low self-esteem. Literature can provide young women and girls a space to seek refuge from the challenges they may face but that can't happen if they are illiterate. The themes include the condition and need for women's education, patriarchy, family, dowry, child marriage, superstitious practices, education, purdah system, widow remarriage, love for nature, myth, tradition, culture, conflict, violence, silenced voices, equality, equity, feminine consciousness, domestic violence.Feminist literature seeks to show the many ways that women should be treated equally, and the consequences that we all face if they aren't. Classics within the genre put relationships, ambition, and motherhood under a microscope. Sexism, violence, and double standards are unapologetically Contemporary Literature highlights realistic scenarios which are based on the present time or the recent past. The genre often explores the social, cultural, and political climate of the time. 

Tell us something about your recent book donation drive.

The donation drive was undertaken as a part of corporate social responsibility of citizens for the installation program as a part of social cause .Books and literacy are necessary for the development. Books are the best and true friends of mankind that motivates us in the times of adversity. They evoke emotions as well as contributes to intelligence.With an aim to encourage literacy and innovation among students, Ashagad Kanya Ashram held a book donation camp in association with the Inkzoid Foundation. The camp concluded with donation with the noble objective to provide free of cost reading books to the students for encouraging reading and knowledge of literature. Many students around us are deprived of formal education and knowledge because they do not have enough financial resources to buy new books, but education is everyone’s right. The library started this initiative with the objective ‘donate a book earn a smile’ to provide new books to the students. By donating books, you give others the opportunity to find the one book that will change their lives. Sharing our books with others is the simplest yet the best method to encourage literacy.

About The Author

Mayaa SH also known as Lady Karl Marx and Female Chulbul Pandey is a feminist philosopher, thinker and essayist in 21st century modern India. She is not a typical passive Indian woman who blindly follow the norms that are not meant to uplift women in a more sensitive and rational manner. She is a Mother of championing the power of self belief to an extent that her vision of her philosophy is to give freedom to woman from so called judgements that still plague our society at large. Mayaa SH is a Literary Empowerment Campaigner, an Iconic Contemporary Authoress and Poetess and A Social Activist who has shattered all glass ceilings and barriers to champion the cause of Gender Equality and Neutrality .Best known for her work in Swayam, she is Championer of Women’s Rights, Authoress, Public Intellectual, and a former corporate juggernaut, Mayaa SH is a recognised crusader on Indian’s contemporary verve of economics, freedom of the press, gender neutrality and human rights. Mayaa SH is a known name in contemporary literature and is a multi National and State Award Winner,a Podcaster, an Artist, a Record Chart Topping International Fastest Anthology Co-Author and a twelve times World Record Holder. She is driven by passion to write and compose. She has love for grammar and mental health awareness by engaging in talk as remedial navigation through any situation. She always tries to look for ways to merge the two. She is an avid enthusiast for the three C’s: Character, Charisma and Chivalry. Be it, writing; debating or counselling; she makes sure to dedicate time to every such field wherein the reach is extensive and dedicated towards people in order to make her dreams reach countless souls. She is a suicide prevention expert .Mayaa S H has been practically looking at matters where she has been covering concerns of matrimonial matters of many women and has seen the atrocity incriminated in matter of advocate sadhna yadav. Mayaa is passionate about exploring various facets of law and works towards enlightening people about their statutory, legal and fundamental rights. She makes it her job to decipher for the public the truth, be it in an intricate civil dispute or in a gruesome criminal case in terms of conciliatory approaches of looking law at a more positive light for legal reliefs.Mayaa SH has advocated and championed for an understanding of family law that does not blindly revere marriage as sacred, but instead acknowledges a more contractual arrangement, as sacredness cannot obliterate the individual's right to exit the wedlock for a just cause.
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